Live Events at All Saints’

Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism, also known as Christening, is a sacrament of initiation. During the service, we welcome the child or adult into the family of the Church. We use oils to anoint and water to signify new life in Christ.

We believe that Baptism changes us, and marks us as as belonging to God. If the person to be baptised is an infant, we ask parents and God Parents to make promises on the child’s behalf.

To arrange a Baptism please contact the office.


When an adult is ready to make their own commitment to Jesus Christ, a Bishop of the church will confirm them. Before confirmation can take place the Parish Priest will prepare candidates, ensuring that they understand what it means to be a Christian. When confirmation has taken place candidates receive Holy Communion as a full member of the church. Please contact the parish office for more information.


We are delighted you are considering marriage and we would love to help you explore this part of your life journey.

We believe marriage is a gift from God, and at present our church sees this as a sacrament available to one man and one woman.

Prior to a wedding taking place a series of meetings with the parish priest are required. These meetings will involve preparation for marriage, preparing the service and completing legal documentation. Please contact the parish office for more information. including fees.


Funerals at church, funeral home or at a crematorium can be arranged by making contact with the Parish Priest. We want to ensure that your loved one is suitably honoured and we will spend time with you discussing the options for the service.

You can ask your funeral director to make contact with us on your behalf should you prefer.

Confession - The Scarament of Reconcilliation

We all carry the burden of sin in our lives. These are the things which lie heavily on our hearts and distract us from our relationships with each other and with God. The church teaches that a priest can offer advice, penance and absolution. If you haven’t made you confession before, it can be daunting, but we will carefully prepare you and help you understand the beauty of this sacrament.

Confessions are heard by the Parish Priest in the church (on Fridays at 11.15 am) or in the office by appointment. Please contact the Parish Priest for more information

Home and Hospital Visits

If you are unwell, or are unable to get into church and need pastoral care, please make contact with the office. We keep contact via telephone, email and home visits. The Sacraments, including Communion, are available to you by arrangement.