Sermon on The Presentation of the Lord

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

May 23rd 1979.  It was my 6th birthday and it was a day long awaited.  I woke early and burst into my parents room, shaking my father and begging him to get up.  For some months, in a room in our rather forbidding Victorian house, my father had been secreting himself in a large spare bedroom, and working behind a locked door.  Whenever I asked what he was doing I was told rather sternly that it was a surprise and that I would find out on my birthday.   

I don’t know about you, but one of my abiding memories of childhood is really, really wanting everything right now!  Of course, Christmas and Birthdays are good examples of this but actually I realise now that I spent most of my childhood wishing and waiting and wanting…. Stuff!

In our Gospel reading today we meet Simeon.  Simeon is an old man. He is waiting for something, he really, really wants it and it has been promised to him.  We don’t actually know how long Simeon has been waiting but it feels like a long time.  Imagine him sitting patiently outside the temple, an old man seemingly watching the world go by amid the hustle and bustle of city life.  And then, across the street, between the people going about their business and children running and playing he sees a family approaching and he knows.  His wait is nearly over and the anticipation builds rapidly in him.  Simeon is going to meet the Messiah, just as the Holy Spirit promised he would before he died. With long-awaited joy he takes the infant Jesus into his arms and knows him to be the one he has been waiting for.

How did Simeon know this was the Messiah?  After all, he must have seen lots of babies, 40 days old, tiny and wrinkly, carried into the temple by insignificant but devout mothers and fathers. And was he even looking for the Messiah in a baby? Surely he was imagining something a little more exciting – a great teacher or a charismatic rebel.

Have you ever considered how many of God’s promises we don’t see fulfilled simply because we aren’t paying attention or because we don’t have eyes and hearts, like Simeon’s,  prepared to see God at work in unexpected places?

Or maybe we don’t see it because we are more comfortable in the waiting than in uncertainty of what comes after?

There is an old tradition that today, which as well as being called the Presentation of the Lord is known as Candlemas, is the day that really ends the Christmas season. Today is the day when everyone’s nativity scene should be taken down. Because today is usually about half-way between Christmas and Good Friday – half-way between Jesus’ birth and Jesus’ death. So today is kind of a pivot point for the year – the day when we turn from cradle to cross; birth to death.

Simeon’s story contains this pivot.

Holding the infant Messiah, Simeon knows his wait is over, God’s promise to him has been fulfilled. He praises God and sings of light and glory. And then Simeon turns to Mary and the tone changes:

“This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed, so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed – and a sword will pierce your own soul too.”


I wonder if there wasn’t a part of Simeon that would have preferred to just keep waiting – to hold on to the sense of hopeful anticipation rather than the perhaps more complicated emotions after the arrival of the Messiah. 

But following Jesus is not just about Christmas – not just light and joy and celebration. Today, we let Simeon turn us in the direction of the cross, remembering that following Jesus is also about sacrifice and faithfulness in the face of suffering.

Perhaps this is why Candlemas is the day on which candles are traditionally blessed, marked as signs of the light of Christ in the world – we know we still have need of such signs to get us through the darkness ahead.

Back home in the UK where I am from, Candlemas is also roughly half-way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox – it’s the point at which we begin to turn from the cold and dark of winter towards the promise of spring.  Of course, here in Australia we are looking forward to cooler weather.  Today is the day when there is enough of a possibility that we can begin to anticipate autumn.  Each day I rise early to say morning prayer.  At the moment, I say morning prayer as early as possible to avoid the searing heat, but soon mornings will be much, much cooler.

So, on this seasonal pivot day, we turn not simply from cradle to cross but from cradle through cross to the empty tomb, already visible, albeit dimly through the darkness still to come. Following Jesus is not just about Christmas; not just about Good Friday. Following Jesus is also about the hope and freedom of Easter.

Simeon’s song begins with a declaration of the end of his work, perhaps even his life: “Lord, now let your servant go in peace”. His task has been fulfilled; he has born  witness to the arrival of the infant Messiah, seen the salvation of the world. Simeon’s season is over, a new season has begun.

How did Simeon feel when he woke up the day after meeting Jesus and seeing the truth of what his future would hold? Perhaps he woke up thinking, ‘today might be the day!”, before he remembered that yesterday had been the day and that he would have to find something else to do today.

May 23rd 1979.  It was my 6th birthday and it was a day long awaited.  It was the day when my father presented me with a Hornby Intercity 125 model train and unlocked the door to the room in which he had been working for months.  A stunning diorama awaited me with a train track running through hills, valleys and towns.  The detail was amazing, hours of painstaking work had been put in to the project.  But I was too young to appreciate this, I just wasn’t ready, all I wanted to do was play “flying trains.”   And so it was that, as a six year old, I learnt a lot about waiting, frustration, anticipation, and a little bit about what it means to feel deflated.  I still have my train track, and now I grateful to God that I have a son who I shared  it with; it’s part of our journey, although maybe he won’t fully understand it until he has his own children to share it with.

So let us light a candle, in the quiet of this winter morning, and pray with Simeon, that the light of the world will break through the darkness and reveal to us the continuation of God’s promise. Let that be our prayer, as we journey through the seasons of the year and of our lives.



Sermon on Lent 1


Pastoral Reflection